How to Win at the Slot Machines – Insider Tips, a Strategy & Advice!

Spending money at the casino can be as much about the excitement and emotional rollercoaster of the big win as it is about the winnings. There’s nothing wrong with winning though, and there are some hints to increase your odds when playing the one armed bandits. This document will grant you four tidbits of advice for getting the most from these games.

How to win at the slot machines tips #1: The center of the casino is where they want you to play, so stick to the loose paying machines on the perimeters of the aisles. A lot of winning slot machines are located in these spots!

How to win at the slot machines strategy #2: Any time you aren’t playing is a time the casino is losing money, even if there is an open bar or free lounge. Another spot to find good machines is in close proximity to the lounges and bars. The idea is that the sound of big winners will attract people in the lounge and bar to go back out and resume playing.

How to win at the slot machines tips #3: Table games generally don’t have good machines nearby, so avoid these spots. Machines can be noisy and intrusive, and do not generate nearly as much money as table games, so table players are important to keep comfortable and happy. If a machine is near a table game, chances are that it pays poorly.

How to win at the slot machines advice #4: Another rule of thumb is that you won’t win at slots near the bathroom. These machines see less spins and less action, meaning the payouts aren’t very big. Steer clear of these slots.

Another great tip on winning at slots is to always play the maximum coins per spin. judi slot You will increase your odds and win more money easily. Click here to download free casino gambling tips [] & slots secrets PDF reports!

Make Money Winning on Slots, Part 2

All slot machines underneath the flash and spin are the same. They run on mathematical formulas that ensure the casino will make a profit. The casinos, which are in business to help you lose your money, do what they can to keep you playing. The odds are the more you play the more money they will take from you.

Poor Slot Players Lose Consistently

The average slot player has bad habits which reduce his chance of winning. There are no doubt more, but three are common.

First, he sits down at a slot machine without considering the likelihood of increasing the chance of his going home a winner. slot gacor hari ini The best choice is a machine that will give you winnings often enough to keep giving you the casino’s money. Location, discussed in Part 1, is important, but so are other factors. If a machine advertises a large jackpot and you know the slot is set so the casino will come out ahead, it stands to reason that the machine will, over time, pay out less per spin or pay off fewer times.

Slots usually give the largest payout only when you play the maximum amount. Information on the face of the machine tells you this, so it’s not a secret. Playing the maximum gives you the best odds, usually. Therefore, if you play a nickel at a time, the odds are working against you. On the other hand, the maximum on a nickel machine with three reels and three horizontal rows means each spin costs 9 times 5 cents, or at least 45 cents. On a five dollar machine, the maximum is usually ten or fifteen dollars

All slot machines are basically the same in construction. The cost of repairing and maintaining a penny and a five dollar machine is about the same. Because the extra money is available and the casino thinks you will lose anyway, machines that cost more to play often pay a higher percentage of winnings than lower cost slots.

Foolish Money Management

Second, watch most people play and you will see that they basically ignore any strategy for winning. Remember, over time, the odds are against you. It’s a loser’s habit to put money in and play until it’s gone. If they win on some spins, they just keep playing. You hear him say, “I’ll just play this down before we go to supper.” ‘Play it down’ means he knows he will lose it all because he has already signaled his intention to play until he does.